Eikonic Imagery

Hello! I'm Kiri, and I like to Gpose~I've been playing FF XIV since the US launch of A Realm Reborn, and I've always enjoyed taking screenshots. Recently, I've put a lot more time and effort into my gpose sessions, so I figured I may as well offer some of that time to folks who want nice pretty pictures - Either ones that are pose-challenged or simply have no time to do things like this themselves!
Located on NA Data Centers, but willing to work with individuals on other DCs!

Hire a Model!

If you want some nice screenshots or multi-person animations, but don't have any friends in mind, I have a few models to offer as additional actors for both SFW and NSFW options.Please keep in mind, these are not characters available for ERP sessions, as that is not something I offer. I'm always cooking up new character designs, so if you have an idea for a custom model for your shoot, let me know and I'll see what I can do!A few examples of male models below! Female ones coming soon!

SFW Examples

NSFW Examples

...Yes, I do these too. I generally don't do a whole lot of fetish things, so what you see is more or less what you get. Examples below are still 'safe', contact via Discord for other full NSFW examples.Willing to do MxF, MxM, FxF, multiple partners, etc.


Animations are something I really enjoy doing! They do take a bit longer than screenshots, due to both recording and editing requiring quite a bit of time. For examples, please contact me on Discord and specify if you'd like SFW or NSFW examples!

-SFW animations -

  • SFW animations could be anything from dances to little bits of everyday life, can consist of purely recorded content or chains of screenshots, or a combination of both!

  • Sound effects, music, and even text boxes can be included, and SFW videos can be anywhere from 1 minute to upwards of 10 minutes.

  • Dances are usually in the 2-3 minute range, and have separate prices from non-dance videos.

  • If a video is requested to have text boxes/dialogue, please be ready to spend some time coming up with a general idea of your character's personality/a small script, as that will help make the scene fit the character ♥

-NSFW animations -

  • Just like the SFW animations, NSFW animations can be anywhere from 2 minutes to upwards of 10 minutes.

  • NSFW Videos are generally full recorded content, with a few NSFW screenshots mixed in for added effect.

  • Music and SFX are always included, thought Dialogue boxes/text is optional.

  • Dialogue/text boxes require the same time and conversations as the SFW ones to make them feel more true to the characters involved.

NSFW Guidelines

  • NSFW animations are just that - Mature animations that include suggestive themes, nudity, you get the idea. Therefore, the following list outlines a few general rules for my content.

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  • THERE WILL BE NO LALAFELL CONTENT IN ANY of my NSFW works, nor will there ever be any child coded characters.

  • -I will not do Beast related content, please don't ask me to do anything with Carbuncles, Kamui, or Horses-

  • Adding to the above, I am fine with Monster content, as long as said monsters are Humanoid (Amal'jaa, Ixal, Minotaur, etc) or Voidsent (Diabolos, any of the tentacle women). Tentacles are fine as well, just know that any Monster content will more or less be improvised as far as animations go.


Hire a Model

  • Pre-made models have their own set body types/edits, and cost a flat 25k per model hired.

  • Multiple models can be requested for the same shoot.

  • NPCs are not counted as custom models and have no added fee to be used ♥

SFW Screenshots

  • Standard SFW Screenshots - Pay what you think is fair, Gil preferred ♥

SFW Animations

  • Standard SFW Animations - 1Mil Per video up to 120 seconds, music and sfx included. Dialogue/text boxes optional. +100k per additional character.

  • SFW Dances - 1.5 Mil for up to a 3min dance video for solo characters. Additional characters are +200k each!

  • Deluxe SFW Animations - Minimum starting price of 3mil gil for up to 5 minute video, with Music, sfx and Dialogue/text boxes included! Additional 1Mil for every minute past 5 minutes. 500k per additional character, specifically if the additional characters also have dialogue to include in the video.

  • Gil is always preferred, but if you'd prefer to make a paypal donation, please let me know beforehand.

NSFW Screenshots

  • Standard NSFW Screenshots - Pay what you think is fair, Gil preferred ♥

NSFW Animations

  • Standard NSFW Animations - 2.5mil Gil for up to two characters, for a 120 second video. +200k per additional character. Music and sfx included as always! Dialogue/text boxes optional.

  • Deluxe NSFW Animation - Minimum starting price of 5Mil for up to a 5 minute video, two chartacters. Music and SFX always included, dialogue/text boxes optional. Additional 1Mil for every minute past 5 minutes, 500k per additional character.

Additional Info & Contact

On the off chance people want to donate to my little hobby, or in the event Gil payments are simply not possible for some reason (ie different DC locations, as I am on the NA datacenters), I've added this little button below. As Gil payments are only really -needed- for animations, I don't mind doing a handful of SFW or NSFW screenshots for nothing.I will note though, I am NOT setting any hard prices - If you absolutely have to pay this way, just drop in what you think is fair, that's all I ever ask. Or discuss it with me via Discord DMs, which is preferred. ♥

  • When contacting me, please make sure to specify if you have your character's data on hand (MCDF files ♥), or if I need to grab it in-game (via Anamnesis).

  • If you're a vanilla player (unmodded) and would like me to change your character's hair, clothes, etc to something specific, or have a specific body type you'd like for your character, please let me know! Alternatively, if you'd like to see how I'd dress them for a specific shoot (themed ones in particular), I can do that as well .

Location, clothing, and any additonal information will be discussed via Discord. Please send a message to the ID given below if interested!Discord ID: kirimina